
Using Celery Task Queue in a Content Processing Build Cycle

If you process content regularly, you might deal with capturing data from multiple sources, performing some processing, and then outputting to multiple targets. (For example, you might have a search index and a MySQL database that need to be updated simultaneously every week based on new content from a client.) You also might need error tracking and reporting. Wouldn't it be nice if you could build a system where you could automate all of this?

Migrate your application to Docker

Many of us have heard about Docker- but how many of us know how to begin the process of moving our applications to Docker? By the end of this discussion, you should be able to take a existing, monolithic application and run it in a Docker environment. Topics will include identifying the different services, persisting data in an otherwise ephemeral environment, service discovery, and stack orchestration.

DNS: What do all these letters actually mean?!?!

The Domain Name System (DNS) runs the entirety of the internet. Although it is a fundamental piece of how we connect to websites, it is not always clear what DNS is actually doing. This session will go into the various record types for DNS, what they mean— what you need to know when it comes to setting it up.

* A Records
* AAAA Records
* NS Records
* TXT Records
* MX Records
* SOA Records

Intro to Docker for CMS

Docker is an exciting technology which allows developers to deploy software in a highly portable and repeatable environment, thus easing a path to production. Using Docker, one can:
  • Deploy applications such as Drupal, Wordpress and more in their own environments. Does your Drupal deployment require PHP 5.4, but your Wordpress deployment requires PHP 5.5? No problem.
  • Easily test upgrades without impacting production, as well as provide a way to rollback.
  • Migrate an application from one host to another


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