Drupal Global Training Days is an initiative by the Drupal Association to introduce new and beginning users to Drupal. The Drupal Association is partnering with NERDs and Last Call Media to make this happen. Once a quarter, free or low cost training events will take place around the world with one of two curriculums. This event will be free and for the following curriculum:
"What is Drupal?" This half-day workshop will address the basics of Drupal, and will give an overview to those interested in evaluating or implementing Drupal. Instruction will be provided by Last Call Media team members, Kelly Albrecht, Rob Bayliss, and Kelly McCabe. Coffee will be provided. Brown bag lunch or snacks are encouraged.
We invite you to come Learn Drupal!
Training Agenda:
20 min Drupal overview (Kelly Albrecht)
30 min Drupal for basic websites (Kelly McCabe)
15 min Q and A
30 min Drupal in the enterprise (Rob Bayliss)
15 min Q and A
10 min break
2 hours hands-on exercises Thinking in Drupal (Kelly Albrecht with Kelly McCabe/Rob Bayliss helping unstick people)
Praise for this Training:
Outstanding! It was a good intro, and motivated me to try drupal again and really learn how to manage it before trying to do *anything* with a site.
What a great introduction to Drupal!
One of the best we've attended!
Many thanks to Kelly and his team for a very productive workshop. I'm definitely looking forward to doing a lot more with Drupal!
Informative and fun session!
It will be held at the Forbes Library in the Community room in Northampton, MA. Space is limited. Please register below to reserve your seat.