Friday Keynote: Susan Buck
Submitted by kelly on
We are very excited to announce that Susan Buck, co-founder of the Women's Coding Collective, will be presenting the Friday keynote for NERDSummit!
Submitted by kelly on
We are very excited to announce that Susan Buck, co-founder of the Women's Coding Collective, will be presenting the Friday keynote for NERDSummit!
Submitted by kelly on
It is our pleasure to announce the official Call for Proposals for this year's NERDSummit!
We invite anyone to propose any web development industry topic that they know something about and are passionate about.
For the 2014 NERDSummit, the deadline for submissions is 8/15/2014.
Sessions will be accepted and scheduled by the Tuesday following the submission deadline.
Submitted by kelly on
We are very excited to announce that Ashe Dryden will be presenting the Saturday keynote for NERDSummit! (read more)
New website design
Official call for proposals (you can submit them already)
Organized topical Summits/Panels
Job/Career Fair details
Additional keynotes
Stay tuned!
Submitted by kelly on
Summit is official! Read more for details.
Submitted by kelly on
Read more for agenda.