
Sass and Compass

Hey! I just started using SASS and Compass. Come see what I have figured out so far.

These tools are used to organize and streamline your design process. They are not dependent on any content management system, and are regularly used with Drupal, Wordpress, Ruby, and many more.

Time permitting, I will describe my experience as a beginning user:

Product development from within

Knectar recently launched its first product to some glowing reviews. This is a talk about the process of conceiving and developing a professional-grade SaaS product from within the context of a high-capacity web production shop. It’s been a dance, but unexpected synergies have formed to make the process one of the most challenging yet satisfying projects of my career and a new experience for many on the Knectar team. I want to share what we’ve learned through this process, and promise barely a passing mention of the product itself (along with coupon codes of course)! Topics to include:

Catalyze your creativity: Saving time & money with open copyright licensing

Can you have it all?

In an ideal world we would be able to get the things we want immediately, in perfect condition AND at just the right price (preferably free). Unfortunately the real world of business doesn’t work that way. We have to make some compromises and choose the project parameters we value most, while sacrificing others.

Sass Primer: CSS Pixie Dust

If you've made a website lately, you've used CSS. If you've used CSS there's probably a head-sized dent in the wall near your desk! Sass is an amazingly useful CSS pre-processor that brings a suite of programmatic tools such as variables, operators and functions to your CSS. It helps you keep your style code tidy and dry by letting you nest styles inside the selectors to which they apply, and break your styles into logically organized partial files among other wonders.

Homespun UX: Going Beyond Web Analytics

Does the field of user-centered design mystify you? Does user research seem like the last thing you have time to think about?

Any team can look at analytics to understand what users are doing and how often they’re doing it. What analytics won’t tell you is *why* users are doing certain things — sometimes you need more context. That’s where user research comes in. This session will map out a framework for incorporating low-cost user research into your development cycle.

The session will cover:


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