Getting Started in BDD (Behat based) Testing

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Jun 21 2014 - 9:00am to 1:00pm

The session will cover installing this PHP based tool. You will also learn how to integrate it into so you can test on almost any browser or mobile screens.

You will walk away with a number of example tests built during the session, a working install on your machine, a behat config file that you can use to talk to Saucelabs when needed, and a local Selenium server to run tests on your local browsers using Firefox, Chrome, Safari or IE.

*** Pre Setup ***

There will be a vagrant install posted here in the coming weeks for you to easily download before the session and start running. There will be help at the session to make sure it is working but please download and build ahead of time if possible.

There is a starting repo that should work for Mac and Linux and possibley Windows operating systems. If you have vagrant that is fine too or a virtualbox.


This event will be held at the Forbes Library in the Community room in Northampton, MA.


This event's Organizers / Educators:
