
name Organization Job title Reason for account
Jennifer Moulton
Jennifer Bolmarcich
Jeramy Pompa I would like to learn how to create web pages, apps and collaborate in the creation of new open source operating systems.
Jericho Animest
Jesse Evers I went last year, and it was awesome!
Jessi Wilcox Web Development and Design, Rugby & Food!
Jessica Grant I've been asked to teach a workshop at nerd 2015.
Jessica Palmer Avon Free Public Library Technology/Technical Services Librarian
Jessie Wallner
Jesús M. Santos I'm interested in the Computer Programming for Educators & Parents Saturday, September 13th, 2014 11am-1pm UMass Amherst - Campus Center Auditorium
jianxin dai
Jill McCormick
skowyra's picture Jim Skowyra Anthony Media, LLC President Interested in advancement of technology in Western Massachusetts. Highly committed as a major organizer of local Drupal Meetups and Camps. Focused on content strategy and structured content.
Jim Verzino Eco Business School Director
Jim Phelan Web Development
Jim Fisk Annkissam Drupal Developer Drupal, Python/Django
Jing Xie
Jinyoung Park
Joanne Patalano Drupal
Jocelyn Kennedy
Joe Fiaschetti
Joe Astuccio
Joe Werner DDD, TDD, .Net, Kendo UI, Bitcoin, Poker
Joelle Thomas
Joey Campbell To learn how to program
Johanna Bates's picture Johanna Bates Front-end coder, nonprofit techie, Drupalist I'm interested in nonprofit technology, open source software, increasing diversity in tech, and probably a couple things that don't have to do with the Internet, but I can't think of them right now. I coordinate a monthly nonprofit Drupal call for, and I co-lead a collaborative team of freelance Drupalists who build websites for nonprofit organizations.
jmaruskin's picture john maruskin owner-operator, rriverrunstudio Wordpress,using my own themes, turning older sites into wordpress
John Blyberg
John Cloys Would like to be more active in the Drupal community.
jeckman's picture John Eckman 10up CEO WordPress, Drupal, Open Source, CMS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, User Experience, Design, Digital Strategy
John McNeal
John Bozaan WordPress, web development, CSS
jon saj Web dev and Software Design. Hoping to do some work on the linux kernel source or linux applications.
Jon Gutierrez
Jonathan Hills Python, Lisp, FOSS
Jonathan Caris
Jonathan Reed diginomica co-founder To attend the summit, I'm also active in local tech events. Very interested in skills development.
Jordan Funke Coding in education, web design, how to get into the field
JoeBacal's picture Joseph Bacal Common Media, Inc. Junior Developer Computational/Creative Thinking, Progressive Technology Education, Scratch, Processing, Javascript, CSS3, Ruby, Infographics
sanguis's picture Josh Beauregard Knectar Drupal focused DevOps and Open devops, chef, drupal, nginx, server tunning and oddly content input
joshk's picture Joshua Koenig Drupal, WordPress, cloud
Joshua Wallace Amherst College Principal BI and Web Developer
joshua copen scratch
joshua axelrod i want to learn how to code
Joshua Bolduc PHP, Drupal, Symfony
Joslyn Tchaicha
JosueRodrigu3z's picture Josue Rodriguez Yale University Graphic/Web Assistant
JP McNeal I'm a previous speaker and attendee, and want to communicate with my fellow speakers and attendees.
