
name Organization Job title Reason for account
Alexandria Brenon I am a Smith College junior majoring in Computer Science. I am interested in coming to the Summit.
Alexandrre Darren Learn to code.
alfred's picture Alfred Nutile Alfred Nutile Inc Developer Have worked in Open-Source for 15+ years. The last 7 as a web developer. Looking forward to helping others in the area learn how to develop in the many languages and frameworks common to our industry.
Ali Wicks-Lim
Alice Yang
Alice Fiddian-Green Signing up for my kid, 14, who is interesting in programming, experienced in Lego robotics and looking for MORE to dig into, and my brain operates differently.
Alison Macrina
Alison West Drupal, web design, CSS, Sass, Compass
Alley Michel Big Data for equitable urban development! Html/CSS web design Community Engagement Consulting
Alley Kae I would like to learn how to code... It seems...MAGICAL
Allie Thorpe going to the summit
Ally Gonthier
Ally Gonthier
Allyson Wainscott to get good at coding
Allyson Wainscott to get good at coding
amanda_giles's picture Amanda Giles IT Consultant Web Development, WordPress, Women in Tech
Amanda Shareghi Alley Interactive Director of Marketing
Amber Clooney Drupal, Design
Amee T Web designing, java script, systems
Lightnin's picture Amos Blanton MIT Media Lab / Scratch Team Project Manager for the Scratch online community Playful learning!
Amy Lashley Amherst College Senior Applications Developer
Amy Parker Drupal, Training
Amy Fairbrother
Amy Lashley
Amy Toulson Volunteering
Andrea Porter To earn money and to support this website.
Andrea Powers
Andrew Pasquale
Andrew Garcia NorthPoint Digital Recruiter
Andrew Brown Genuine Interactive Web Application Engineer
Andrew Cavanagh
Andrew Pasquale's picture Andrew Pasquale I am interested in all aspects of web development and design. I also have an interest in open source and civic hacking.
Andrew Marchetti
Andrew Armstrong Software Development!
Andrew Haller N/A
Andrzej Lipski's picture Andy Anderson Amherst College Academic Technology Specialist Web Programming, databases, scientific programming, high-performance computing, data analysis
Andy Klapper
Anna-Maria Goossens Parent of attendee
Anne Cormier IT in education, Women in IT
Anne and Jim Mileski I am registering my two boys , Thomas and John for the NERD weekend at UMASS Amherst.
Anne Catherine Feldman I am interested in the intersection of computer science and psychology, specifically designing and using immersive virtual environments for psychology research.
Anthony Gentile Programming Small projects like building arduiono board projects Running Boxing Beatboxxing
Anushree Ghosh Social Media analytics and predictions, Knowledge Discovery from Big Data, Mathematical Simulation and Modelling
April Albrecht
Aric Allen Financial Partners Business Analyst
Ashe Dryden's picture Ashe Dryden
Ashok Obuli
