
namesort ascending Organization Job title Reason for account
Caleb Bryant Im working day to day at a manual labor force. My body is finally telling me to stop destroying it and work with something i know i would love.
nikibrown's picture Niki Brown Niki Brown Design Web Designer / Developer Web Design, Web Development, Responsive Design & Development, WordPress
Patrick Brown Ruby, Clojure, Go, Raspberry Pi
Andrew Brown Genuine Interactive Web Application Engineer
Sarah Broome Submit proposals
Mike Brooks Contract development of Drupal websites of all shapes and sizes.
Kate Bronstad Academic & public libraries, Drupal in university/educational/non-profit settings; usability, diversity. Want to learn more about accessibility.
limako's picture Steven Brewer UMass Amherst BCRC Director Drupal, OpenAtrium, Education Interested in advancement of technology at UMASS Amherst. Highly committed as a major organizer and resource at UMASS Amherst.
Alexandria Brenon I am a Smith College junior majoring in Computer Science. I am interested in coming to the Summit.
Michael Bragg Retiring mid-2014 from IT in a Hartford-based insurance company after 25 years... free at last, to focus on web development.
Brandon Brackett Want to learn
John Bozaan WordPress, web development, CSS
Ted Bowman Six Mile Tech Trainer Drupal, Training
Eric Bosco Investigative Reporting
kate borgstrom i want to learn coding
Jennifer Bolmarcich
Joshua Bolduc PHP, Drupal, Symfony
Bonnie Bohan Web & Interactive Deveope
Christine Boehler I am a beginner to Drupal and would love to attend nearby events
John Blyberg
Kirsten Blocker
Catherine Blatz
Lightnin's picture Amos Blanton MIT Media Lab / Scratch Team Project Manager for the Scratch online community Playful learning!
Daniel Black Youth programming
Paul Bissex's picture Paul Bissex Cox Media Group Software Developer NERD Summit presenter and fan. Python and Django developer. Also into functional programming, open source, writing, teaching, typography.
Giles Birch Tech-Tamer Principal
Doug Bezona Java,SQL,Web Development
Jake Bernstein NerdSummit looks like a great way to learn a lot about programming and meet a lot of like-minded, driven, and passionate individuals.
Morrigan Bernier Flute, cheerleading, and of course Computer Science!
Aaron Bello Hosttor, Inc Website Developer For proposed sessions
Kory Behrens Learning to code, cooking, traveling, surfing, reading
Sam Behrens
Timothy Beck
sanguis's picture Josh Beauregard Knectar Drupal focused DevOps and Open devops, chef, drupal, nginx, server tunning and oddly content input
rbayliss's picture Rob Bayliss Last Call Media CTO Drupal, running, and other stuff.
mattbaya's picture Matthew Baya Williams College Networks & Systems Administrator I, Nerd.
Heather Bauer BioRAFT Junior Usability Specialist Usability, Prototyping, User Research
roger batum
Johanna Bates's picture Johanna Bates Front-end coder, nonprofit techie, Drupalist I'm interested in nonprofit technology, open source software, increasing diversity in tech, and probably a couple things that don't have to do with the Internet, but I can't think of them right now. I coordinate a monthly nonprofit Drupal call for, and I co-lead a collaborative team of freelance Drupalists who build websites for nonprofit organizations.
Eric Bates staging sysadmin theming
Eric Bates Too much to list. Frameworks, Drupal, advanced Drupal staging (e.g. db duplication/sanitization, codifying settings that Features doesn't cover into custom module, etc.), sass/compass, Zurb foundation, site security, jquery, node.js, Javascript, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
Tariq Bashir web programming
Chase Barrett Genuine Senior Web Developer
Jamileth Barrera Learn how to do coding games
Robin Barre Development Manager I want to present a session a at NERD Summit 2015.
Xhandee Barajas because I really want to learn to code it sounds really fun.
Todko Bangsat
Connor Bangasser Most of my teenage life I have had a great interest in learning to code. I took a gaming course with digipen for a summer but I still don't understand and I still don't get it at all. I've read two books but they haven't helped me one bit. hopefully this program can help me.
